Donate | Warren County Memorial Library
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119 South Front Street Warrenton, NC 27589 Phone: 252-257-4990


Gifts and Memorials Policy

Donor List


Gifts such as endowments, gifts in memory or in honor of someone, or as unspecified donations are accepted by the Warren County Memorial Library. The Board should be notified by letter of any pending endowment, gift, or donation and will refer to the Special Collections Policy for procedure. No limitations or conditions attached to a gift will be accepted unless approved by action of the Board of Trustees. Gifts of tangible property other than library materials will be accepted with the approval of the Board.

New Books or Materials

New books or materials, including circulation, evaluation, withdrawal, and disposal. Bookplates will be removed at the time that the item is removed from the Library’s collection.

Used Books and Materials

Used books and other materials will be accepted by the director on the condition that the Library has authority to use or dispose of the materials in the manner deemed most appropriate and beneficial to the Library.

We greatly appreciate your donations of materials to the library, but due to spatial limitations, we cannot currently accept donations of books, magazines, or audiovisual materials. We ask that any patrons who would like to donate materials to the library do so between April 23, 2018 and April 27, 2018, as the Friends of the Warren County Memorial Library hold a book drive in anticipation of their bi-annual sale that will fall on April 28, 2018.

Thank you for your understanding!

Records of Gifts

The Library staff may not appraise gifts or attach a value to a donation for tax-deduction purposes. A record will be kept of all gifts, and upon request an acknowledgment statement will be completed and supplied to the donor.